
ShutterStem enables apps that are optimized for organizing—and enjoying—a lifetime of photos.

It grew out of dissatifcation with existing tools for shutterbugs: chosing between either inflexible libraries stuck on the big computer at home, or having to somehow upload terabytes of life history to a hopefully-trustworthy cloud provider. I wanted better, and I suspect there are others (e.g. photojournalists or citizens in sensitive situations) that need better.

ShutterStem is ultimately envisioned as a scalable, syncable local network appliance. It will provide some polished core features like backup/sync, import/export/upload, basic organization/editing, etc. as well as an open API (with flexible schema) to enable custom integrations and extensions.

Rough demos:

Questions/comments/ideas? Wanna try it yourself? Check out the source repository, or get in touch with me directly.